
Getting started

You must be running Quake3 1.27g point release
The Q3 CTC Mod is based on the 1.27g source code. If you run it on any other version ,if it runs atall, the results will be unpredictable!!

Create a directory under your main quake3 directory called q3ctc.
Unzip into your new directory, make sure that description.txt is in that directory also.
Start Quake3 and goto the MODS menu and you should see Q3 Catch the Chicken listed there. Highlight it and click Load.
Or start quake3 by setting fs_game to q3ctc from the command line

eg. "quake3 +set fs_game q3ctc"

Play single player skirmish against the bots to tune your skills, but don't expect them to win.

There two default server set-up config files included to make setting up servers even easier. These are q3ctc.config,for ctc free for all, and q3ctcteam.config, for ctc team deathmatch. Just start a Quake3 server and type "exec filename.config", at the console, edit this file to your own preference.

Game object (FFA)
The object is to catch the chicken and hold onto it for as long as possible. The longer you hold the chicken the more frags you get. However you are vulnerable to player weapons the second you pick up the chicken, so its a good idea to run like mad. For players without the chicken the game is just like normal deathmatch, except only the chicken holder can be damaged or killed.
Depending on the game values the chicken might try to evade being caught, this means it might just run into lava/slime or death fog!! just make sure you don't follow it in. Every so often the chicken spawns a golden egg which contains a powerup inside. This egg can only be picked up by the chicken holder or, in teamplay, any member of the team with the chicken.

Game object (Teamplay)
Two teams, red and blue, and one chicken. You gotta fight it out to become grand master of the chicken arena, with some help from your team. As the team without the chicken you can kill anyone on the team with the chicken, just like normal deathmatch. But the team with the chicken can shoot back. They have the special Egg Gun which fires grenade power eggs. They don't actually kill but give an almighty kick to all that are nearby. Oh and they have unlimited ammo, just watch that yolk fly. You have to be careful though, the chicken will get annoyed at you using her eggs in such a manner and after a time stop making them. Only thing to do then is pass her on to your team mates.

Additional server variables

Listed below are the server side variables used to set-up the basic gameplay types.

Variable Range Default Description
chickmenu 0/1 1 Allow clients to change game settings
scoretime 0-30 10 Time chickholder scores, rounded up to nearest multiple of 5
respawntime 0-60 30 Time chicken wanders till respawn (in secs), 0 = never 60 = max
teamchicktime 0-60 30 Time you can hold the chicken for in teamplay (in secs),
0 = no limit 20=min 60 = max
g_chickroam 0-3 1 Sets the chick wander value. If this value is set during a game the chicken must be respawned for the change to take effect!
0 = no wander
1 = wander but ignore players
2 = wander and try to run from players
3 = wander and try to run from players, unless dropped. then it tries to get back to the last holder

Additional game variables

The following list are variables that can be changed by clients on the server. These are accessed through the chicken menu, so therefore can not be set if the menu option is off on the server.

Variable Range Default Description
g_chickglow 0-3 1 Glow colour of chicken holder 0 = Red, 1 = Yellow, 2 = Green, 3 = None
g_allowarmour 0/1 1 Allow armour pickup with chicken
g_allowhealth 0/1 1 Allow health pickup with chicken
g_allowdrop 0/1 1 Allow chicken to be dropped
g_killscore 0/1 1 Score on kills
g_allowpowerups 0/1 1 Allow powerup pickups with chicken, except quad damage.
0 also turns off golden egg.

Useful commands

Respawns the chicken. This command will respawn the chicken, if nobody is holding it, to a random spawn point. Should only be used if the chicken gets stuck or lost.

team chicken
Turns the player into the chicken cam. The player becomes a spectator and follows wherever the chicken or chicken holder may be.

Version History
1.4 Beta
  • Compatible with Quake 1.27g
  • Bot AI improved
  • Bots now play ctc teamplay
  • More efficient bot code, removed redundant tests from Quake3 deathmatch.
  • Death fog bug fixed
  • Golden Egg feature added
  • Powerup option added
  • Added hold timer for team play (puts more emphasis on team skill)
  • New GFX
Known Issues:
The bots are sometimes able to jump into the ceiling, on some levels, and either get stuck there or get transported somewhere else. This appears to be a Quake3 problem and only affects the bots, not human players.

1.3 Beta
  • Teamplay added
1.2 Beta
  • Players re-entering arena after intermission fixed (hopefully)
  • Glow shell added to chicken holder
1.1 Beta (Patch)
  • Server Kicked on player death
1.0 Beta.
  • Chicken cam added
  • Better looking and more feathers
  • Chicken rides movers
  • Bot play improved
  • Chicken roam options added
  • Double chicken bug fixed
  • Disconnect bug fixed (chicken turned into an item if holder disconnected)
  • Fatal feather bug fixed (crashed client on windows systems!)
1.43a First release (Test)

This mod was brought to you by Trash_man and DragonFyre. You can find us on the web site, to give us your rants and raves.